Calc 3. Logical Functions

AND(logical value 1; logical value 2; …) Function

Returns a logical value. This function returns TRUE only if all arguments evaluate to TRUE. If at least one argument evaluates to FALSE, this function returns FALSE. This function takes minimum 1 and máximum 30 arguments. Each argument contains an expression that returns a logical value, can also be a reference to a cell containing a formula that returns a logical value. This function gains importance when used with other functions. For example:

=AND(A1>18;B1<12;C1="Red") In this case, the function has 3 arguments. Returns TRUE only if the 3 arguments evaluate to TRUE, therefore, if the contents of cell A1 is greater than 18, if the contents of cell B1 is less than 12 and if cell C1 contains the text “Red”.

=AND(A10<>12;OR(A13>0;B13>0)) This example has a function “OR” nested within a function “AND”. Returns TRUE if cell A10 contains a different number of 12, and if the contents of cell A13 is a positive number or the contents of cell B13 is a positive number.


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